Kołysanka lalek

The Lullaby of the Dolls

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W tym wierszu są opisane dwa urocze pokoiki, synka i córeczki.

Kołysanka lalek

U naszego synka 
nieba okruszynka,
u naszej córeczki 
z gwiazdek pacioreczki;
turkusowe krążki,
nizane na wstążki,
serce rubinowe 
obojgu pod głowę.

In this poem we hear about the son’s and daughter’s charming bedrooms.

The Lullaby of the Dolls

In the corner of our son’s room 
sky is peeking in,
and stars fall into a garland 
where our daughter sleeps;
colored stars of turquoise 
like ribbons ’round her head, 
love warmly caressing,
like a ruby pillow 
for their heads.